
Radiological Project Coordination & Management

The remediation, closure, decommissioning, and source material license termination of sites with radiological waste presents unique implementation, coordination, oversight, and safety challenges that are not routinely encountered in other remediation projects. These sites often require the coordination and integration of regulations and policies between the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Agreement States (states that directly regulate radiological waste sites), the USEPA, other federal agencies (such as the Department of Energy [DOE], the US Army Corps of Engineers [COE]) and state environmental agencies. In addition, because of the unique complexities and skills often needed for remediation, radiological projects often require the close coordination of multiple remediation and oversight contractors. These sites are often located in developed areas and therefore close coordination with local officials and the public are also often paramount to project success.

de maximis has provided Project Coordination and Management and Construction Management services to individual companies and PRP Groups in the successful remediation, closure, decommissioning and source material license termination of radiological sites under the following regulatory programs:

  • RCRA
  • NRC Complex Material Sites Program
  • NRC Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP)